Here, you can find digital resources I’ve created as well as resources I personally believe in, many of which I’ve benefited from in my own growth and healing over the years.
Free Resources from Rebecca
The Importance of Mental Health in Ministry
The 2 Triangles
When there’s pain in a relationship, often you’re stuck in one of these two “triangles.” Save this somewhere easily visible to help you discern if you’re somewhere in the “drama triangle,” operating out of a child ego state, or enabling someone else’s child ego state. This “2 Triangles” print-out helps easily visualize these important principles from Transactional Analysis.
John 14 Diagram
One of the most life-changing revelations for me has been the realization that I truly am in Christ, and He is in me. As we're healing from the lies of the accuser, this visual can help us remember our identity in Christ. We are literally surrounded by and filled with Love.
Addiction & Recovery
Alcoholics Anonymous: The Big Book
Still the #1 bestseller in alcoholism recovery for a reason, even after all these years.
How Al-Anon Works: The Al-Anon "Big Book"
A helpful, sometimes life-saving and sanity-saving resource for anyone whose life has been impacted by another person’s alcoholism.
Breathing Under Water by Richard Rohr
Shows how the 12 Steps are really basic Christian discipleship.
Business & Career
Tyranny of the Urgent by Charles E. Hummel
The most successful human in history lived an unhurried, anxiety-free life. Even under pressure that would be unbearable for most of us, he stayed true to God’s calling and his life purpose. This tiny book is packed with helpful tips for prioritizing what is important over what is urgent.
Integrity by Henry Cloud
Being successful in business means being relentlessly focused on reality and having a truth orientation. The truth is always your friend.
Multipliers by Liz Wiseman
So many well-meaning managers are “accidental diminishers,” getting way less from their teams than they’re actually capable of. But the best leaders multiply the expertise of their people.
What Color Is Your Parachute? by Richard Bolles
One of those classics that actually lives up to the hype. I believe this is extremely helpful for narrowing down your dream job or career and actually attaining it.
The 5 Dysfunctions of a Team by Patrick Lencioni
At which stage is the breakdown happening on your team?
Crisis & Trauma Support
Alive At Last
Healing and hope for survivors of human trafficking and exploitation
Rest Yourself Family Ministries
Retreats, Bible study, and a residential home for women and their families who are experiencing homelessness and are in need of refuge and healing.
Mending the Soul
Mending the Soul incorporates a workbook with soul-searching and healing exercises along with healthy, life-giving community and mentorship where trauma survivors can process in a safe space.
Healthy Relationships
Keep Your Love On! by Danny Silk
Similar to the groundbreaking Boundaries by Henry Cloud, but I found it even more accessible, memorable, and digestible.
Unpunishable by Danny Silk
So many of our churches and families have fallen prey to the punishment paradigm rather than the restoration paradigm.
The Great Sex Rescue by Sheila Gregoire
I would recommend this book to any married person who grew up in a Christian evangelical environment.
How to Get a Date Worth Keeping by Henry Cloud
The most genuinely helpful dating book I've yet encountered
Inner Healing & Freedom
Living Fearless by Jamie Winship
Learn how to hear God’s voice. Discover your identity and life purpose.
How to Stop the Pain by James B. Richards
So much of our pain is actually based on our judgments.
Anatomy of the Soul by Curt Thompson
Insight into the process of healing your relationships with God, others, and yourself.
Mind-Body Connection
Feelings + Body Sensations Inventory
This is one of the best tools I’ve found for helping you get back into your body when experiencing overwhelming emotions. Print it out and tuck it into your journal. Develop the habit of using it in moments of feeling overwhelmed, numb, or triggered.
Dr. Nicole LePara
I love Dr. Nicole LePara’s passion for the mind-body connection and thoughtful questioning of the traditional medical disease paradigm.
Narcissism & Codependency
Dr. Ramani
Healing from Narcissistic Abuse
Kris Reece
Healing from narcissistic abuse and other abusive relationships from a biblical perspective
Narcissists & Codependents: 2 Sides of the Same Coin
I searched to see if anyone else was saying narcissism and codependency are two sides of the same coin and came across this excellent article that explains the dynamic very well.
Spiritual Life
Graham Cooke
Graham Cooke's prophetic spoken word tracks consistently reveal the truth of God's identity and love toward us. I feel led out of lies and guided into a greater level of freedom whenever I listen.
Eric Gilmour
Eric Gilmour's soaking worship music is a powerful aid to times of prayer and meditation, guiding listeners into the presence of God.
Emotionally Healthy Spirituality by Pete Scazzero
For Christians who are wondering why all their “discipleship” still hasn’t brought the deep heart change they’re after.
The Pursuit of God by A.W. Tozer
“We need never shout across the spaces to an absent God. He is nearer than our own soul, closer than our most secret thoughts.”