My Commitment as Your Therapist
I have worked with incredibly intelligent, motivated clients who came in struggling to find hope, unsure if they’d ever find a way out of their pain. They were phenomenal people; they just didn’t have the right tools.
By the end of their work with me, they’d found new hope, joy, and solutions. Some had shifted patterns in their lives that had been causing pain for years.
My commitment is to be a lifelong learner who walks alongside you by continually investing in my own healing and growth. I do not ask you to go where I’m unwilling to go, and I don’t believe I can take someone where I’ve never been. My clients are some of the most courageous, inspiring, world-changing people I have ever met, and I seek to serve them with excellence. My #1 goal is to work myself out of a job. I love getting to see you experience the growth and transformation you came to therapy for.
Guiding Principles
Work Toward Connectedness
I believe all problems, psychological, emotional, spiritual, and physical, come from a sense of separation—from God, others, and self. When I use the word “God,” I’m referring to the God of the Bible, perfectly revealed in Jesus. Some of my clients may prefer “Higher Power,” “Creator,” “Source,” “Ultimate Truth,” “Inner Knowing,” or other terms.
Everyone Can Hear from God
You were designed to hear from God—the Voice of Truth and Love. Intrusive thoughts, anxiety, depression—these are often symptoms of deep inner loneliness, a sense that we are on our own and that it’s all up to us to “figure it out.” One goal of therapy is to bring us back to our true state of being. It’s easy for Truth and Love to drown out the noise when we’re living in our true identity.
You Are the Expert on You
I believe every client is the leader in their own growth and healing, so I take a person-centered, customized, integrative approach. Everyone has their own journey and timeline. Tools exist to serve people, not the other way around. One thing you’ll hear me say a lot is “I could be wrong.”
Bottom line: I am an advocate and ally; you are the expert on you.

Get Started
Education, Licensure & Experience
The King's University and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, respectively. BS & BA from The University of Texas at Austin.
As an LPC Associate (License #96758), I meet regularly with one or both of my supervisors to confidentially discuss cases.
I believe holistic healing incorporates mind, body, soul, and spirit. When appropriate and desired, I may draw from these certifications in my therapy practice. I received a 200-hour Christian yoga teacher certification from Jamie Cuffia at Uprooted Replanted Wellness, a YogaFaith school. I received a 100-hour Ayurveda Lifestyle Counselor certification from Arpita Shah at Om Yoga Journey.
While earning my master's degree in marriage and family therapy, I completed a three-semester counseling practicum internship at Wycliffe Bible Translators. I have worked for 4 years in the world of Bible translation, and I have years of ministry experience both in the United States and abroad. I have also worked for about 10 years in the marketplace, primarily in digital marketing and communications. My wide variety of life experiences helps me relate to many different kinds of people, especially those who are in seasons of transition and wondering what's next.
I live in Fort Worth with my husband, an expert baker, swing dancer, and engineer. We have no human children, but we have 3 dogs that think they're our children. Of course, we take no responsibility for this misperception on their part.
I lived in China for 2 years. At one point, I tested at a decent level of fluency in Mandarin. I have fond memories of celebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival with friends and riding my electric scooter around the city. I have also had the joy of spending summers in Japan and Thailand and visiting many other countries, including New Zealand, Israel, Peru, Mexico, Germany, Malaysia, and Indonesia.
I lived with my grandmother for about 2 years. She was a fabulous housemate and I will always treasure those memories. She tap danced until she was 88, continues to faithfully walk with Jesus at age 93, and remains full of grace, laughter, and love even after everything life has thrown at her.
These days, some of my favorite activities are traveling to national parks with my husband, hiking, community yoga, and riding my bike.