Christian, Spirit-Led Therapy
Therapy + prayer-apy.
You know God. You’re doing the right things. Why do you still feel stuck?
Some of the people with high callings—who are called not only to walk in freedom themselves but to set others free—have been through the most insidious abuse and silent suffering. Building a close relationship with the Holy Spirit is the missing link for discovering your true identity and walking in your true purpose. I studied the Bible for years before I really started walking in the fullness of the power of the Holy Spirit. And it is something I continue to learn each day.
The Holy Spirit is the true Counselor. I couldn’t do this work without listening to Him. There are always at least 3 people in the room: the Holy Spirit, the client, and myself.
The world is waiting to see who God has made you to be.
Spirit-Filled. Biblically Grounded. Identity-Led. Purpose-Driven.
Inner Healing + Deliverance
Before we can get the good in, we have to get the bad out. The enemy of our souls can quickly come in and build what's called a "stronghold" (kind of like a foreign invader intruding on your castle and then walling himself up in a room) when we've been through trauma or abuse. Lies can settle in the depths of our unconscious that are difficult to see and therefore difficult to root out without a combination of clinical and Spirit-led therapy. Shame is like a snake; it likes to strike and then slither away into the shadows undetected, leaving you confused, hurt, overwhelmed, and not even quite sure what just happened. This is often what complex trauma looks like.
I combine clinical training (such as Internal Family Systems) with inner healing and deliverance principles from ministries like Bethel's Sozo. My Sozo and Somatics training with YogaFaith also helps me see where embodied practices and mindfulness will help facilitate the healing the Holy Spirit is doing inside you. In this stage of therapy, we uproot the lies and shame that have been planted and that are sabotaging your healing and growth, and we plant seeds of truth and love in their place.
Identity + Calling
Jesus tells us that when a demon flees and when the house is swept clean, it tries to come back with more evil spirits even stronger than itself. That's why we don't just uproot the lies and strongholds; we replace them with the true identity of your loving Abba Father and your true identity as His beloved son or daughter. We cancel out whatever destructive path the enemy was trying to chart for you with the abundant, life-giving path that your good God has for you.
You were designed with intention and purpose. You're not alone in this world. The same God who dreamed you up, who formed you, who designed you, also has a calling and a purpose for your life. And He is not trying to hide that from you; on the contrary, He's even more excited to reveal it to you than you are to discover it! He's even more passionate about His kid than you are about yourself. We partner with the Holy Spirit to listen to not only His identity for you but also His purpose and calling—the "good works He has prepared in advance for you to do." This stage of therapy is a lot of fun as we get to see you soar.