The 2 Questions You’ll Be Asked When You Die
When you die, you’ll be asked two questions:
What did you do with Jesus?
What did you do with what Jesus gave you?
The first question will determine where you spend eternity, but the second question will determine what you do in eternity.
I have a feeling many people will be surprised.
I see the King of Glory nodding “thank you” to many televangelists and celebrity preachers as they come forward to receive their rewards. He genuinely honors them and is truly grateful for their service. Then he kindly asks them to step aside.
Beaming, with arms spread wide, he welcomes many moms and grandmothers to the throne—especially single and widowed. Many of them struggled financially during their lives on earth, but they always gave what they could, even if it was just a warm meal to someone who was hungry. He places crowns on their hands and gives them the places of highest honor in his kingdom.
They spent hours on their knees in the secret place, pleading for their children and grandchildren. Breaking generational curses. Blessing family lines. Calling heaven to come to earth. Aligning their hearts with the heart of the Father. “Wasting time” in the presence of the Lord, and not thinking twice about it. Pouring their oil on the feet of Jesus.
Every precious tear they’d shed over a wayward grandchild or a sick friend had been tenderly bottled by the angels into God’s jar, and it had been transformed into fragrant perfume of infinite worth. Not one drop had been lost.
The stewardship question often isn’t what we think. Jesus knows what’s truly expensive. He knows what’s truly costly. He sees you in the secret place when no one else sees you. He sees the loneliness. He sees what intimacy with him has cost you.
So, in preparation for the two questions we will all face in eternity, I leave you with two questions today:
What would your family and friends say is the driving force of your life?
What do you want it to be?
“So the last will be first, and the first will be last.”