Therapy for Anxiety, Rumination, & Decision-Making
None of us can see clearly in our own storms.
You might even be the “go-to” person for your friends and family when they need to talk things over. You always have a word of encouragement or wisdom. But when it comes to yourself? You get stuck replaying scenarios and conversations over and over, embroiled in self-doubt and worry. You need a safe space where you can mull things over without being judged, where you can learn practical tools to help with anxiety, rumination, and making tough decisions, while also getting to the root causes of why you are struggling so much.
Paradoxically, it’s often the strongest, most capable, competent people who wrestle the most with anxiety, rumination, and difficult decisions. Your incredible foresight leads you to see every possible scenario and play it out, and somewhere along the line you learned to catastrophize to self-protect. You probably have had an over-developed sense of responsibility most of your life. Together, we will untangle the confusion so you can focus on what you’re actually responsible for and what you can actually control.
Resource for Anxiety: “In the Middle”: A Guided Visualization for Anxiety
Resource for Decision-Making: Unnamed Location: You’re Right On Schedule
Calm the chaos. Sort out the confusion.
Comics for Anxiety
I love the way Nick Seluk of The Awkward Yeti illustrates anxiety with both compassion and humor. Laughter is great medicine for those of us struggling with anxiety!